Environmental Projects

AmstedMaxion is certified in ISO 14001 environmental standard, which means that the company owns and maintains an environmental management system in accordance with the requirements of the standard and it is through this management system that the company monitors and controls its environmental aspects. It is part of the company’s routine to monitor its activities so that they do not interfere with the quality of the environment.


The search for new technologies and processes that generate less pollutants is constant and a good example is the installation of the thermal calcination system and the reforestation of ciliary forest. In addition, the company has been monitoring the Greenhouse Gas Management for four years, inventing the annual GHG emissions from its two units in Cruzeiro.

Riparian Vegetation Reforestation

One of the actions is the Riparian Vegetation reforestation, in the town of Cruzeiro, where AmstedMaxion operates. The planting of approximately 8 thousand native tree seedlings (pioneers, secondary and climax), aiming to enrich and densify the riparian vegetation within its area.

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Native Seedling Nursery

Implanted a native tree seedling nursery in AmstedMaxion, aiming to produce native species to maintain the program for riparian vegetation recovery of the Paraíba do Sul River. The idea is also to use this space as a tool for actions in the educational field, contributing for environmental awareness of the people who interact with it.

Thermal Calcination

The thermal calcination of foundry sand is a “recycling” process that aims at the recovery of the residue through the processes of disintegration, magnetic separation and controlled heating, which processes a “cleaning” of the residue leaving it in the condition of use again. The average amount of casting sand discarded for landfill reduced by 60% after the calcination system was implemented.

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